Due Diligence


Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while.

It's unbelievable how much information I get on a daily basis. Really good "survivalists" know what I mean. The geopolitical landscape of the world is changing at a rapid rate especially socioeconomically. If you're doing your homework like I am, you're seeing that the future seems grim.

If you're unaware of what I'm talking about just trust that I have good instincts that kept me alive and unscathed through literally hundreds of combat missions as an Infantryman. I always knew when we were about to be ambushed because my spine would tingle. I've had that same feeling everyday for the past 3 months.

Plans have been set in motion against ALL of us. If you're not currently at the meeting for the Trans Pacific Partnership then you need to plan to Survive, Evade, Resist, and Escape just like the rest of us because you're NOT a part of "the Club"

This shadow element has their dirty hands in nearly everything worldwide. They have a multi-tiered plan of attack that their using on us right now and have numerous contingency plans. If you don't believe me research these questions: Are taxes going up or down? Is the birth rate in decline in America? What's the Cancer ratio for both genders in America? Are vaccines injuring infants? Is there fluoride being added to the water supply? Are police vehicles becoming more militaristic? Are Veterans being raided and having their lawfully owned guns taken by police?

We're far behind the power curve. It's time to catch up by fighting back as peacefully as we can.

Feed the Machine


Nutrition is the third essential you need for survival. There are many schools of thought on the subject of what the best nutrition plan is. Some people are meat and potatoes kind of people, others are vegetarians, and others are vegans. 

The most important aspect of your diet is that you should go as all natural as your budget will allow. Remember, if you read the nutrition facts on the label and the product you're buying has some scientific words you can barely pronounce, you probably shouldn't be eating it.

I've been athletic since I was a kid. My adventures have led me to working out with Green Berets and Army Rangers, Crossfit Athletes, Professional Boxers, and Pro Mixed Martial Artists. They all believe nutrition is paramount to one's physical abilities. If you put junk in body, you'll get horrible performance. You wouldn't put moonshine in the gas tank of your Lamborghini right?

My experience and researching tons of experts has lead me to believe that the Paleo Diet is a great nutrition plan to live by. If you can cook some of that food in a wood stove you'll extend your lifespan since all the 3rd world cultures who cook with wood are getting the remaining minerals they need through the wood that's being burned. I'll post a video on that information soon. 

In the meantime, do some deep research on Dr. Wallach to find out about his theory on the 90 essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. If you're like me and don't have a wood stove, I supplement my 90 essential vitamins and minerals from www.will4health.my90forlife.com

Do your homework and get your nutrition in order. We've got work to do!

Get Fit


Knowledge is extremely vital for survival. The second most essential element you need for a survival scenario is a good level of fitness. 

If you're just hiking and camping then you just need to have the conditioning necessary to walk for a mile or even a few miles. Obviously, if you intend to be the truest of survivalists then you'll probably need condition yourself to be able to walk 10 to 20 miles a day. I believe a very good amount of strength should be added to that "true survivalist" equation as well. The survivalists should learn to love Strength and Conditioning.

I can't tell you what your goals should be but I'll tell you not to delay on achieving them. There's no time like the present. Enjoy your life.

Prepare your mind


The most important tool you need for preparing for survival is your mind

You need to sharpen your mind in many areas in order to survive anything from having a broken down car on an empty road to a catastrophic situation that some people are talking about like a zombie apocolypse, a WW3 scenario, an economic colapse, etc.

I don't have a crystal ball that tells me what the future will look like over the next 50 years so I have no idea what will happen next week, let alone next year. What you are preparing for is not my concern, my concern is that I help you get to your goal.

There are very few people that are born with the ability to keep their mind as cool as a meat freezer in the South Pole. For the rest of us, staying calm under extreme pressure is a learned ability. Experience is the best teacher.

Just like many of us had to learn not to panic in a swimming pool so we can learn how to swim or ride a bike without falling over, we must expose ourselves to stressful scenarios a little at a time so we can learn to adapt and overcome.

In my experience, the worst thing people can do in a survival scenario is complain. By complaining, all anyone is doing is wasting precious time. 9 times out of 10, the person complaining (when asked) has no idea what to do to improve the current situation. DO NOT COMPLAIN

Just work on solving the problem. If you're cold, building a fire. If you're hot, find shade. 

Doing something is better than doing nothing.

To start, you need to crawl, walk, and then run.

For example:
-Crawl: Research methods of how to build fires without the aid of propane, matches, or lighter

-Walk: Build a fire in a CONTROLLED environment such as a fireplace, a fire pit, or even better a survivalist fire building course

-Run: Go camping and safely build your own fire with your new found skill(s). Exhaust all your contingent fire building skills before resorting to use matches or a lighter or gas.

Let's work together to become survival experts! Have Fun!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

